There's always a lot going on around the sanctuary!
Check out our latest news updates below!
Pegasus New
An Exciting New Partnership!!

At Pegasus, we are proud to have been approached to partner with Telus, and host a team 0f 40+ Telus Critter Volunteers at our Port Perry animal sanctuary on May 30th!!
The volunteers will build a Telus Shelter in one of our pastures for the continued comfort of our farm animals. A full schedule of activities has been planned, such as fence repairs, trail upgrades, a barn deep clean and various maintenance duties that will bring a new and fresh look to our farm! A HUGE thank you to Telus for making a difference in our community and for our rescued animals!!
Contest Alert!!!!

Telus is holding a cross-Canada contest to win a day with Critters!! One lucky winner and their guest will travel to Port Perry to spend the day at Pegasus Animal Sanctuary to get up close and personal with our Pegasus Critters!
To enter:
Check out www.instagram.com/telus
1. Follow @TELUS and @darren_entwistle
2. Comment on the contest post, tagging the person you would take with you!
Help #GiveWhereWeLive -- for every contest entry, $1 will be given to TFFF in support of animal welfare, to a maximum of $10,000!!
No purchase necessary. Contest closes May 6, 2024. See the contest rules in the link in the Telus bio
We have BEES!!!
Have you heard the buzz??? Pegasus has new "rescues"--2 hives of honey bees!! Special thanks to amazing Beekeeper Kathryn Wismer of Wiz Bee Honey for donating her time and resources to help us welcome the newest members of the Pegasus family! The hives have been placed in a quiet field, with lots of access to a variety of plants and flowers for our fascinating pollinators. With her expertise, Kathryn will be checking on them, and maintaining the health of the hives, but the bees will be allowed to keep their honey, and live their best lives with minimal interference. It's no secret that bees are vital to the health of the whole world--Pegasus is proud to offer our new residents a place to call home in our little corner of it!

The bees are home!!

Check out Wiz Bee Honey for all things BEE!
The Power of Sanctuary
The Power of Sanctuary is an opportunity for young people to engage in learning about farm animal protection, but is unique in the sense that it offers a chance to meet and interact with those at the centre of our focus—the animals themselves.
It’s not often that students are able to engage with who they’re trying to impact, and The Power of Sanctuary will offer exactly that. The afternoon will be full of engaging tours, powerful learning sessions, exciting activities, and will also provide an occasion for youth to connect with like-minded peers and create lasting memories.
Best of all, any young person that attends this program will be welcomed into the Pegasus community, which is full of countless benefits like future engagement opportunities, chances to obtain volunteer hours, leadership roles, and much more.
At the end of the program, students who attend will not only take away amazing memories, they will gain real, applicable insight into how they can get involved in farm animal protection in their community, and will be connected to a group of other young people who are passionate about doing the same.
Pegasus will support our attendees in this endeavour, ensuring they have the opportunity to grow their leadership skills and can take action in a way that is meaningful to them.

Our First Yard Sale!
On June 3rd and 4th 2023, Pegasus held its first fundraising yard sale! There were tables of wonderful items that were donated to sell, plus many generous prizes donated by community businesses to be raffled and auctioned. A great day was had by all, and the amount of money raised allowed us to make some additions to the barn and hopefully be able to welcome more animals to the sanctuary in the future!